航运 在线工具

航运 在线工具


Utilizing a variety of technologies including Internet, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), 电子邮件, fax and voice response, 澳博体育app下载 provides timely, 简明的信息,你想要的方式,在您的运输的各个阶段. 澳博体育app完全 integrated customer 支持应用程序提供从初始费率报价到货物付款的货运交易信息的访问.

美森致力于与您共同打造定制化的电子商务方案,提供全面的运输解决方案. 澳博体育app努力在您需要的时候以您希望的格式提供您需要的信息. If one of our products does not satisfy your needs, 让澳博体育app知道,澳博体育app将与您合作,开发一个定制的解决方案.

View 船的时间表backtop


  • 互联网: 通过 澳博体育app的网站
  • Fax-on-demand: Using a touch phone
    To request faxed schedules please call 1-800-4-澳博体育app.
  • Phone: Please contact 1-800-9-澳博体育app
  • EDI技术: 澳博体育app下载支持标准化的EDI 323x12事务.

Review Rates/Tariffsbacktop

澳博体育app下载的费率/关税应用程序允许澳博体育app在线检索费率并执行运费的底线计算. Rates and charges can be retrieved, along with updates and future rate changes, using a few simple keystrokes across multiple tariffs. Tariff rules and regulations are also available

Booking Your 装运backtop

基于网络的预订允许您通过澳博体育app下载的预订门户网站预订您的货物. 通过使用美森为您提供的定制预订模板, you may complete a booking with minimal keystrokes. Once you submit your booking request, 您将在网上和通过电子邮件立即收到美森预订号码. Highlights include the ability to:

  • 在一次点击中为多个船只创建多个预订
  • Export data to CSV, Excel or XML formats
  • Dynamically sort columns
  • View and rename booking templates with ease
  • 执行快速搜索,以查看,更新或取消预订使用更少的按键
  • Access multiple views of your bookings:
    • 即将到来的
    • 最近创建的
    • 历史
  • Conveniently schedule door services
  • 自动接收在线和电子邮件预订确认
  • 设置关于在预订门户上显示的行数和在历史记录中显示的天数的个性化首选项

You must register for this capability. 现在注册!
If you are already registered, please 登录 以你的名义


以便预订私人拥有的车辆或个人家居用品, please use the following links:

EDI技术为大批量交易提供了一种自动化方法. 澳博体育app下载在Ocean(300)和Motor Carrier(200)系列中支持标准化的X12事务.

Tracking Your 装运backtop

基于web的货物跟踪使您能够跟踪集装箱在澳博体育app下载系统内整个移动过程中的状态. Utilizing a variety of search options, you can quickly find the current status of a container, as well as movement and shipment details. You must register for this capability. 现在注册!

For a high level status of your container's location, Ocean 装运 Track提供了基本的可见性,而不需要用户ID或密码. 集装箱状态可通过集装箱号、订舱号或提单号查询. This access is available on the 澳博体育app下载.Com主页.

FaxTrack通过传真和电子邮件直接向澳博体育app澳博体育app提供每日装运状态信息. We offer a flexible reporting package, including vessel summaries, 所有集装箱的当前状态和已完成装运的历史摘要. You specify the schedule and frequency with which you 需要 information and 澳博体育app下载 will automatically send it to you. You must register for this capability. 现在注册!

EDI技术为大批量交易提供了一种自动化方法. 澳博体育app下载在Ocean(300)和Motor Carrier(200)系列中都支持标准X12事务.

Submit Billing Instructionsbacktop

You can submit your billing instructions online. 通过使用适当的形式为您的货运交易, 您可以填写账单说明并以电子方式提交给澳博体育app下载. You must register for this capability. 现在注册!

Retrieve/Print Billing Documentsbacktop

All documents are available on 澳博体育app下载's web site. You may retrieve and print your freight bills, 提单, delivery orders and notices of arrival online. You must register for this capability. 现在注册!

Faxed billing documents are available on request. Please contact # 1-800-9-澳博体育app.

EDI技术为大批量交易提供了一种自动化方法. Freight invoices are available via EDI; 澳博体育app下载在Ocean(300)和Motor Carrier(200)系列中支持标准化的X12事务.

View Account Balancesbacktop

View the payment status of your account online. You will be able to view a summary, 按类别, 按选定类别的发票编号列出未付发票总数和进一步详细信息. You must register for this capability. 现在注册!



Credit Application 欲与美臣航海公司进行业务往来而开立信用的澳博体育app须填写此表格. 欢迎澳博体育app填写信用申请并在线提交.

Application of Claim for Freight & 损害 这种形式 is to be completed by any 澳博体育app 对货物的损失、短缺或损坏提出索赔.

HI 澳博体育app下载 Delivery Receipt 夏威夷自动送货收据是在夏威夷州登记您的车辆所必需的表格. 澳博体育app下载在《澳博体育app下载》中提供了这个. 您可以通过输入您的预订号码和/或车辆识别号码打印您的夏威夷自动送货收据的副本 (VIN).

Shipper Owned Container Form 托运人拥有的集装箱表格应由任何希望运输非美森拥有或租赁的集装箱的澳博体育app填写. 这种形式, plus other documentation noted on the form, 在托运人拥有的集装箱可以交付给澳博体育app下载之前,必须提交并批准.

Validate Containerbacktop

验证container功能允许澳博体育app输入container编号,结果验证container类型, 大小, 高度, 以及集装箱是否为澳博体育app所有 container.


使用 澳博体育app下载 Household Goods 网站, 澳博体育app下载在万维网上为评级提供了“一站式”的位置, 预订和跟踪你的军用家庭用品运输和从 夏威夷 和关岛.

Track Your Vessel via GPSbacktop




澳博体育app下载's customer EDI transactions include:

  • 船的时间表
  • 订舱申请
  • Booking Confirmation
  • Booking Cancellation
  • 航运 Instructions
  • 发货状态
  • 运费发票
  • Payment Order/Remittance Advice
  • Functional Acknowledgements

Standards supported are:

  • ANSI x12
  • UN / edifact
  • XML or any mutually agreed upon 'flat file' format

通信方式包括互联网和非互联网方式,包括FTP, 电子邮件, 直接行, HTTP, XML, AS1, AS2 & value added network providers.


  • 的准确性,
    By reducing data entry errors due to re-keying
  • 完整性,
    By diminishing 'lost' data due to misplaced faxes etc.
  • 及时性,
    通过“消除”人为干预和简化业务 功能 和沟通


Complete the following 澳博体育app下载 EDI PARTNER PROFILE 然后返回给 1EDIProdSupport@peakuniverse.com. 您也可以联系您的销售或澳博体育app支持中心寻求帮助.

Payment Instructionsbacktop

Customer Payment Remittance Lockbox Address:
Please send your payment to the nearest facility.
P.O. 7395箱
San Francisco, CA 94120-7395

Los Angeles, CA 90084-2157

P.O. 98481箱
Chicago, IL 60693

P.O. 31000箱
火奴鲁鲁, HI 96849-5054

P.O. 94324箱
Seattle, WA 98124-6624

Electronic Transfers:
ACH or Wires may be sent using the information below.
Acct. No. 12335-17020
阿坝没有. 0260-0959-3

Acct. No. 12335-17020
阿坝没有. 121000358

1850 Gateway Blvd.
Concord, CA 94520

欲了解更多信息,请澳博体育app澳博体育app支持中心1-800-4-澳博体育app或发送电子邮件至 web_customer_registration@peakuniverse.com

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